Our Partnership with the Devon Foundation


     The measure of someone’s goodness is their willingness to give back. We, at Parle believe companies have a corporate responsibility to improve the lives of the people it affects. We found our cause right at the heart of our company and have partnered with the Devon Foundation in hopes of educating and improving the lives of those closest to the source.

     The Devon Foundation is responsible for developing talent in our field by providing gem-cutting scholarships to men and women in East Africa enabling them to earn a living in the gem trade. The gemstones in our collection “Sharing The Rough” are directly sourced from this area in Africa. We are inspired by the positive impact that Nancy Schuring and the Devon Foundation are fostering within these communities.

     Not only does the Devon Foundation help sponsor educational scholarships, but it provides the most important school supply on the market- school lunch! The Foundation is now solely responsible for the Kitarini school lunch program which feeds over 500 young Maasai boys and girls, providing 10,000 meals a month. Not only has this increased school enrollment, but it has improved the educational advancement of each of these children.

     For us, this is remarkable. We feel as if we are able to positively influence a society of children and workers a world away just by doing what we love. This program and our new collection are interwoven, sharing a platform to speak on behalf of the beauty and strength of both people and gemstone. While we know not all students will grow up to be gemologists, miners, or stone-cutters, we believe it is important to not only improve the lives of the hands our stones touch, but even the shoulders they brush past. This is why we appreciate the reach of the Devon Foundation in its efforts to give back to the field, and to the community where our gemstones are unsurfaced.

     Our Parle promise is to donate a percentage of proceeds from our Sharing The Rough jewelry collection, and we ask that our retailers do the same. We know we work with great jewelers that are like-minded in giving back, and hope that with their donations and ours, we can continue to improve the lives of others.

Go their website directly by clicking the link http://devonfoundation.com/

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